What to do and what is the best ectomorph SARMs? Muscle Building 101


Ectomorph SARMs: Muscles are not built in the gym but during rest days. An ectomorph has slower recovery than a mesomorph or endomorph so you shouldn’t train more than 4-5 times a week. 4 would be optimal. SARMs like RAD-140 and MK-677 can make you recover faster, so, build more mass! Proteins, BCAA, glutamine are also great for recovery. 


Being healthy, training hard, and rest is always the solution! Take care of your gut, push heavy weights, eat and relax! YK-11 is an incredible SARM that lower follistatin and can make you gain more muscle mass than your genetic was built for. Follistatin prevents you from gaining too much muscle mass. Ectomorphs have higher levels of this protein. YK-11 can lower follistatin making incredible results. The Muscle Stack is a combo of RAD-140 and MK-677 so it’s a great stack for ectomorph and obviously, the best of the best would be the Monster Stack that includes, RAD-140, MK-677, YK-11, and LGD-4033.

Where to buy:

SARMs are great because they let you have the same results of using steroids or human growth hormone without the same side effects. SARM’s USA is happy to provide you with the best products on the market. 99.98% pure RAD-140 in organic MCT oil with lemon flavour. SARM USA is the only brand in america that offers that type of quality. Our customers that use RAD-140 alone have great results but when stacked with MK-677 like in the Muscle Stack. On average it is possible to put on 15 pounds of lean muscle! When taken in a combination, like the Get Fit stack, it allows muscle to grow and improve strength but also burn fat at the same time. In another stack like the Bulking stack and the Bulking stack 60 days the amount of lean muscle mass gained without any fat is impressive. In a recent study, researchers analyzed 44 different SARM products that were sold online. They found that only 52% actually contained SARMs [12]. SARMs USA is the leader in the SARM industry in the united states, Canada and Europe and we provide the world with the highest quality on the market for 6 years and we will never stop doing so!

An ectomorph is someone who has a very hard time building muscle and also gaining fat. Bodyweight is low for their height. Most of the time ectomorph tends to be a little bit anxious or nervous. They have a very high caloric expenditure and most of the time not a lot of appetite or everything they eat seems to just go through. 

Eat More

First, you must eat more. Being an ectomorph, you burn more calories that went into your body. You need to eat more GOOD FOOD because junk food may be rich in calories but will impact your digestive system. So, the higher the calories the better if it is clean food. Protein shakes may help if you have a hard time eating a lot and often. MK-677 is your best weapon. MK-677 improves appetite A LOT! Many people report eating like never before. 

Take care of your digestive system

You are not what you eat you are what you absorb. Eating more means nothing if you don’t absorb what you eat. That’s why junk food is…. Well … JUNK! Probiotics, fibres, glutamine, and doing 16hrs of fasting once or twice a week in the best way to make sure your digestive system can deal with all the food and absorb it. MK-677 also helps to repair every cell in the body, that includes your digestive system! 

Do high-intensity training

The higher the intensity the shorter the training, this is basic workout knowledge. The longer the training the higher the cortisol and that means that you will burn about the same amount of fat and muscle. Cortisol is a great hormone that gives energy but when too high it also burns muscle cells to produce glycogen through a process call neoglucogenesis. So if you’re an ectomorph, you should aim for 45 min very high-intensity workout with heavy weights. Only cardio would be sprinting to keep your cortisol low. RAD-140 is a great SARM for that because it will raise your anabolic activity and will not only help build muscle tissue but will also protect them from cortisol! Taking a carbohydrate shake during training can also protect your muscle from cortisol.


Muscles are not built in the gym but during rest days. An ectomorph has slower recovery than a mesomorph or endomorph so you shouldn’t train more than 4-5 times a week. 4 would be optimal. SARMs like RAD-140 and MK-677 can make you recover faster, so, build more mass! Proteins, BCAA, glutamine are also great for recovery. 


Being healthy, training hard, and rest is always the solution! Take care of your gut, push heavy weights, eat and relax! YK-11 is an incredible SARM that lower follistatin and can make you gain more muscle mass than your genetic was built for. Follistatin prevents you from gaining too much muscle mass. Ectomorphs have higher levels of this protein. YK-11 can lower follistatin making incredible results. The Muscle Stack is a combo of RAD-140 and MK-677 so it’s a great stack for ectomorph and obviously, the best of the best would be the Monster Stack that includes, RAD-140, MK-677, YK-11, and LGD-4033.

Where to buy:

SARMs are great because they let you have the same results of using steroids or human growth hormone without the same side effects. SARM’s USA is happy to provide you with the best products on the market. 99.98% pure RAD-140 in organic MCT oil with lemon flavour. SARM USA is the only brand in america that offers that type of quality. Our customers that use RAD-140 alone have great results but when stacked with MK-677 like in the Muscle Stack. On average it is possible to put on 15 pounds of lean muscle! When taken in a combination, like the Get Fit stack, it allows muscle to grow and improve strength but also burn fat at the same time. In another stack like the Bulking stack and the Bulking stack 60 days the amount of lean muscle mass gained without any fat is impressive. In a recent study, researchers analyzed 44 different SARM products that were sold online. They found that only 52% actually contained SARMs [12]. SARMs USA is the leader in the SARM industry in the united states, Canada and Europe and we provide the world with the highest quality on the market for 6 years and we will never stop doing so!

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