How SARM works (and why they may be better than Steroids)

Using steroids to boost your hormones is like trying to tweak a microchip with a sledgehammer. Steroids help you build muscle by increasing testosterone, which then increases protein synthesis in your cells, building muscle and burning fat. That’s considered the anabolic side of steroids, and it’s great.

But steroids also interact with your liver, your prostate, your heart, your sex organs (which leads to ball shrinkage in men and clitoral enlargement in women), and your secondary sex characteristics (voice depth, body hair growth, man boobs, acne, etc.). All these side effects are the androgenic part of steroids.

The issue with steroids is that they have an anabolic-to-androgenic ratio of 1:1. That means they are just as likely to, say, shrink your balls or enlarge your clitoris as they are to build muscle – unless you’re taking bioidentical testosterone to maintain optimal hormone levels, with a doctor’s careful supervision (I’ve been doing this for years and I’ve never had side effects.

This is where SARMs INNOVATES better than steroids.

They’re far more selective than steroids, boasting anabolic-to-androgenic ratios starting at 3:1 and going as high as 90:1. That means you can still get muscle growth and fat loss, but SARMs won’t give you man boobs or turn you into the bearded lady. You can also take SARMs orally. No need for injections.

SARMs are also legal in Canada, they are not on any list of illicit or illegal products in Canada. You’ll notice SARMs retailers in the USA or other countries include disclaimers like “for lab research purposes only” and “not for human consumption.” They do this in case laws change, so they don’t get in trouble with the government. There are about a dozen SARMs in either clinical (human) trials or preclinical (animal) trials.

Let’s talk about the first SARM on the list:


RAD-140 builds muscle and burns fat. With multiple published human trials under its belt, RAD-140 (also called Testolone) is one of the best-studied SARMs. Those studies found powerful results, too. Testolone shows no meaningful side effects and is very effective at building muscle. Elderly men and women who took modest doses of Testolone for 12 weeks grew 3 pounds of muscle and lost a pound of fat, with no changes to diet or exercise [1]. Cancer patients saw nearly identical results along with a similar timeframe [2]. There were no side effects in either study.

A pound of muscle a month is about what you would expect with a solid workout routine – but the people taking Testolone in these studies weren’t exercising. Combining the two would be even more powerful, in theory. Pretty impressive.


LGD-4033, also called Ligandrol or Anabolicum, is one of the better-studied SARMs. It’s been through multiple human trials, with interesting results:

Healthy men who took LGD-4033 for 21 days saw a significant increase in lean body mass. The only side effect was short-term testosterone suppression (more on that in a second). One milligram per day was enough to cause significant muscle growth. The higher the dose, the more muscle participants put on. In another trial, participants took doses as high as 22 mg/day with no side effects or safety issues.

In rats, LGD-4033 increases bone density, muscle mass, and sex drive, without damaging prostate or liver tissue.

LGD-4033 does not appear to stimulate fat loss, so if you take it on its own, it won’t make you leaner – just more muscular.


MK-677( Ibutamoren) is a selective agonist of the Ghrelin receptor and a growth hormone secretagogue stimulating the growth hormone. It is currently under development as a potential treatment for reduced levels of growth hormones (growth hormone deficiency) and frailty in the elderly. Human studies have shown to sustain the activation of GH-IGF-1, and increase lean body mass and bone mineral density.

Ibutamoren promotes the secretion of the growth hormone(GH) and increases insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF1). It can increase the growth hormone by selectively mimicking the hormone: Ghrelin. And binding to one of the Ghrelin receptors GHSR in the brain. When GHSR has activated, it releases spikes of growth hormone. GHSR controls your appetite, biological rhythms, pleasure, and mood. That’s why many people experience a lot of hunger when using MK-677.

MK-677 is so great because it increases growth hormone levels but doesn’t increase other hormones such as cortisol.


GW-1516 was created by Glaxo Smith and Ligand Pharmaceuticals in 1992. Cardarine (GW-1516) is hands down the best compound out there to increase your physical performance. Not only does it give you an insane endurance boost, but it also has great fat-burning properties. There is a reason why so many top athletes choose to use Cardarine. To give you an example of the success obtainable with Cardarine is the well-known case of Elena Lashmanova, who tested positive for Cardarine after breaking the 20 km race walk world record. Because GW-1516 was abused by various athletes in different sports, the WADA chose to ban the compound in 2009. Overall GW-1516 is an excellent and powerful compound to use.

In mice, the GW-1516 combined with 4 weeks of regular racing increased race time by 68% and stroke distance by 70% and doubled overall muscular endurance. In rodents, GW-1516 plus exercise has increased mitochondrial growth in muscle by ~ 50%, allowing muscles to generate more power without fatigue. It has also decreased fat while preserving muscle. GW-1516 could be a powerful way to improve performance and lose fat while maintaining muscle.


Ostarine, also known as Enobosarm is a selective androgen receptor modulator. This SARM is used to avoid and treat conditions such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. The SARM Ostarine has a lot of benefits for those suffering from the muscle wasting diseases such as cachexia, sarcopenia, and muscle atrophy. It also has its use in hormone or testosterone placement therapy (HRT/TRT). Ostarine is able to prevent muscle waste means it also has great potential to build lean mass.

For athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts this means Ostarine can be both used for bulking and cutting or even recouping. For bulking this means rapid lean muscle and strength gains without the unwanted side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. For cutting, Ostarine will prevent losing muscle during a caloric deficit. On top of its muscle prevention benefits, it also has the benefit of healing and repairing joint injuries which have been backed up by various studies.

Ostarine binds directly to the androgen receptors and will also increase protein synthesis and build lean muscle. This SARM shows osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) selective anabolic activity. The tying and stimulation intensify protein synthesis and builds muscle.

Users report lean muscle mass gains anywhere from 5 to 10 lb after completing the cycle. The strength gains of using Ostarine are also very impressive, some users have reported adding 30 lb to the bench press in 4 weeks! A lot of users would gladly use Ostarine again for a second cycle because it was everything they expected.


YK-11 decreases a protein called myostatin. This protein is secreted during important muscle gains or in people with degenerative muscle diseases. It is therefore effective in a person who has reached a plateau and who wishes to continue to gain muscle. It is an interesting choice considering that myostatin inhibitors, like follistatin, are very expensive.


    • Improvement of Lean Body Mass(LBM);
    • Improvement of Muscle Strength hand Physical performance;
    • Preventing the loss of muscle mass during weight loss;
    • Enhance Quality of life (QOL);
    • Hormone levels go back to the baseline after usage;
    • Myostatin inhibitor.


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  4. All information provided by Sarm USA is for informational and educational purposes only and is not to replace medical advice offered by medical professionals

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