Learn Exactly What are SARMs
To know what SARMs are we must understand the name. SARMs stand for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. This means that they are androgenic compounds (act like testosterone) but they also are selective and don’t trigger androgen receptors on all organs. OK, let make that simpler! It’s the lock and key concept. Imagine all your organs (muscles, brain, liver, prostate, heart, etc.) have locks for androgens that are not exactly the same, but they are all activated by testosterone. SARMs are a key to this lock but they work almost only with the muscles. That means you have very similar results than with a high level of testosterone but without the side effects.
For how long SARMs has been around? Why have they been invented?
If we want to know what are SARMs, we must also know when it all started and why. Ostarine is one of the oldest and most studied SARMs that people use now. It has been invented in 1998. That’s 23 years ago and it has been studied and tested during all those years. Dr. Miller invented Ostarine to help older people and cancer patients keep muscle mass. The UT research foundation states: “By increasing muscle and decreasing fat, Ostarine appears to improve levels of glucose and insulin and to reduce insulin resistance,” says Ronald Morton, chief medical officer at GTx. “These data suggest Ostarine may have a beneficial impact on prediabetic conditions and potentially diabetes, which, if validated in later studies, could provide the basis for our seeking expanded indications for Ostarine .” SARMs have been invented to be a safe alternative for steroids for treating different medical conditions or to help to maintain muscle mass while getting older. They have been around and have been studied for many years. New SARMs are coming out but research is limited so for us, SARM USA, we would never carry a product that hasn’t been studied for years and proven safe!
What are the different SARMs?
Now that we know what are SARMs, let’s see what SARMs are out there! We suggest you click on the links to know everything about those compounds.
Here are the most common SARMs. Those have been around for a long time and have been studied for a while.
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Now, the next products are considered as SARMs but they technically are not SARMs. They have a metabolic effect that is very close to SARMs that’s why they are often considered as SARMs. They help to boost the production of growth hormone, decrease body fat and boost endurance!
Now we know exactly what are SARMs. They are a safer and effective alternative to steroids. They have been invented and tested for a long time. SARMs are effective at building muscle mass, maintaining it with age or under certain medical conditions.
Where to buy:
SARMs are great because they let you have the same results of using steroids or human growth hormone without the same side effects. SARM’s USA is happy to provide you with the best products on the market. 99.98% pure RAD-140 in organic MCT oil with lemon flavour. SARM USA is the only brand in USA that offers that type of quality. Our customers that use RAD-140 alone have great results but when stacked with MK-677 like in the Muscle Stack. On average it is possible to put on 15 pounds of lean muscle! When taken in a combination, like the Get Fit stack, it allows muscle to grow and improve strength but also burn fat at the same time. In another stack like the Bulking stack and the Bulking stack 60 days the amount of lean muscle mass gained without any fat is impressive. In a recent study, researchers analyzed 44 different SARM products that were sold online. They found that only 52% actually contained SARMs [12]. SARMs USA is the leader in the SARM industry in the United States, Canada and Europe and we provide the world with the highest quality on the market for 6 years and we will never stop doing so!